Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers

(Providing best professionals to the Nation)





Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), an apex professional society, was founded in year 1953 for promoting the general advancement of Telecommunication, Electronics and IT and to facilitate exchange of information.

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Student Forum

The IETE has built up an impressive strength of student members all over the country at both Graduates (AM) and Diploma (SD) levels. Pass in Section A & B makes them eligible for AMIETE / DIPIETE respectively. Student’s chapters of IETE Centres generally take care of the academic / professionals needs of these members.

 IETE, however , needs to be well known to all electronics / telecommunication / computer science / information technology students to build awareness amongst them for the mutual benefits. In India, there are nearly 600 Engineering Colleges (affiliated to Universities), over 190 universities and over 750 Polytechnics. Most of these Institutions have Departments of Electronics/ Telecom/ Computer/IT/Electrical Engineering which have common interest with IETE as they prepare the students for BE/ B.Tech of Diploma qualifications.

 The IETE, can play a useful and stimulating role by:

In view of this, it is proposed to establish IETE Students Forum at these Engineering College / University and Polytechnic in the Country, through a massive membership drive in these institutions.


We are Committed to be a World  Class Engineer provider to the nation by teaching them advance electro-technology.


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Site Designed & Maintained By: Anil Kumar, Member IETE

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