Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers

(Providing best professionals to the Nation)





Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), an apex professional society, was founded in year 1953 for promoting the general advancement of Telecommunication, Electronics and IT and to facilitate exchange of information.

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Management & Review

The affairs of the IETE student’s forum shall be conducted and the property and the money there of shall be administrated by a managing committee consisting of six student members, two of whom retire every year but are eligible for re-election. One of these members shall be the chairman and another shall be Hony. Secretary. A faculty member of the Institution and a member of the executive committees of the IETE Centre shall be permanent invitee to the managing committee meetings. The managing committee shall meet at least once in a quarter or as often as required and take decision on all matters connected with the IETE student’s forum in a spirit of goodwill and cooperation and with a view to enhance the image of the IETE. Any unresolved issues may be  referred to the IETE Centre in the region, who will be Monitoring and Controlling Office for the Forum.


The functioning of the IETE student’s forum shall be reviewed annually by the concerned IETE Centre and the performance reported to the IETE HQ. The IETE student’s forum as well as centres may also suggest ways and means of strengthening these forums in the interest of the IETE.


We are Committed to be a World  Class Engineer provider to the nation by teaching them advance electro-technology.


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Site Designed & Maintained By: Anil Kumar, Member IETE

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